I am Nena Hart. I am 35 and have been married for 15 years this year to my husband and the perfect match for me, Jed. We have 4 children ages 14, 10, 5, and 2. We recently moved to the island of Lana’i. It has been a huge, but positive change for our family so far. I am a nurse executive and am the Director of a Long Term Care facility here. It has allowed me to start to clear the cobwebs of overwhelm and looking for answers to how I’ve (often unknowingly) used my personal struggles in the past to move forward in a positive way.
I have had a broken heart more than once, I was so angry and completely focused on myself. Through growing as a wife, mom, and nurse, I have been able to over come so much and my heart has healed and softened, so much so that sometimes the past feels like a dream that happened to someone else. I have been shown such favor in everything I have done and have been successful and had positive results in my marriage, parenting, and career (and now even in my health!) But it was not like that 15 years ago. At all. It felt like constant chaos and failure. My past has made me the person I am. I want to help other focus on using their past hurts to grow and develop and overcome anything from the past holding them back.
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:26 NIV
I have never been one to push “religion” on anyone. I share the verses with my story because they are an inescapable part of it. If you are not at a place, or of the belief to accept them, Please, don’t leave because of that. I understand. I have been in that place too, and that’s ok.
My hope is that you can look beyond them and identify with my story. As I am working through my own baggage, I hope to help encourage and support you. Even if it is only that you can identify with having overcome so much and look back on how far you’ve come. I am finally at the place where I am proud of myself and who I am. It has been 15 years in progress. My husband deserves a lot of credit for my growth and success as well… Love you, Jed.